Impression taking for the Dental Team
Dental Hygienists, Dental Therapists and Dental Nurses are welcome to attend a theory and hands-on course to expand their knowledge and develop their skills in dental alginate impressions in line with GDC Scope of Practice and Enhanced CPD. A portfolio of work will follow the session to assess continued skill development.
Delegates are given the opportunity to practice, taking an upper and lower alginate impression.
The theory covers tray selection, step by step instructions for taking alginate impressions to a good standard, disinfection, and patient management.
The courses offer 4 hours ECPD.
To develop and improve the skills of impression taking.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the session and portfolio the delegate will be able to:
Recognise the correct materials for taking the prescribed impressions and use them safely.
Identify the correct size of trays, suitable for taking a good quality impression.
Demonstrate good patient management during the impression taking.
Apply the correct technique of dispensing, mixing, and loading the impression trays with alginate.
Perform the safe taking of upper and lower alginate dental impressions.
Evaluate the outcome of the impression taken, and suitability for use, or the need to repeat.
Use the correct disinfection and storage procedure.
GDC Development Outcomes
The course meets and links with the GDC Development Outcomes A, C and D relating to the Standards for the dental team.